
【澳洲】遊走塔斯曼尼亞東南西北 在4大極光秘境中睇盡靚景

踏進五六月,南半球又開始了日短夜長的冬季了。這個時候到訪位於澳洲最南邊的塔斯曼尼亞,正趕上最常欣賞到南極光(Aurora Australis / Southern Lights)的時節的地方。今次帶大家從南到北,走遍塔斯曼尼亞的純淨漆黑夜空,往各個輕鬆看到南極光靚景的熱門極點去!看著天空上那閃爍著綠色、藍色、紫色和紅色的極光,如像天使在空中飛舞,叫人著迷!一起出發吧!

光害最少的國境之南:布尼島 Bruny Island

要數最少光害,又要南端;首府Hobart南方,全長50公里的Bruny Island可以說是不二之選。該
島分成南北兩部分,由長長的The Neck連結而成,當中北邊的高點設有展望台,當極光出現時向
Island最南端的布尼角燈塔(Cap Bruny Lighthouse)。早於1838年已經開始運作的它,目前是
Cape Bruny Lighthouse at the southern tip of Bruny Island, Tasmania, is the second oldest extant lighthouse tower in Australia, as well as having the longest (158 years) history of being continuously manned.

Photo credit:Luke Tscharke、Graham Freeman、Rob Burnett、Julia Smith、Tourism Australia

水天一色絕美景致:搖籃山聖佳爾湖國家公園 Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park內四野開揚兼水平如鏡的搖籃湖(Cradle Lake)或鴿湖
(Dove Lake),是靜候南極光降臨的好地方。大家不但可以連同壯麗的搖籃山山脈攝進鏡頭,
Located at the northern end of the Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park, Cradle Mountain is surrounded by smooth glacial lakes, ancient rainforest, and unusual alpine vegetation.


若愛暢遊湖泊,搖籃山東邊有個由無數小湖組成的Central Plateau的高山湖區,那裡地勢平坦,
Thousand Lakes Lodge is located in the Central Plateau World Heritage Area of Tasmania, to the West is the Walls of Jerusalem to the East of yingina / Great Lake.

Photo credit:Pierre Destribats、Dearna Bond、Alice Hansen

飽覽酒杯灣與南極光:菲欣納國家公園 Freycinet National Park

東海岸的Freycinet National Park大家可能有點陌生,但酒杯灣Wineglass Bay一定略有所聞。後
冬日來到,可能會有點冷,但當登上鄰近的Mount Amos觀景台,便可俯瞰酒杯灣與南極光的美
景。想偷懶一點的朋友亦可驅車至面向東邊的Beach Lookout或Cape Tourville Lighthouse and

Over four days, the Freycinet Experience Walk covers the entire length of the breathtaking Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania’s East Coast, including Wineglass Bay and Schouten Island.
Photo credit:Graham Freeman、Tourism Australia

全澳洲第二大峽灣:斯特拉恩 Strahan

Macquarie聞名 ,可參加當地團乘小船至中心小島Sarah Island遊覽,兼觀賞講述其歷史的小話劇
。西邊則是全長40公里,為塔斯曼尼亞最長海灘的Ocean Beach,面向是一望無際零光害的南太
We will show you a side of Tasmania like no other: our award-winning Gordon River Cruises give you a unique perspective on our natural wilderness and the amazing west coast. The Gordon River is one of our natural wonders and an amazing location for a wilderness cruise.
The Ship That Never Was is a live professional theatre production, performing in Strahan since 1993, written by Richard Davey and produced by The Round Earth Company.
The play tells the dramatic and hilarious true story of the Great Escape from Sarah Island! Delightful family entertainment not to be missed!
Photo credit:Dietmar Kahles、Graham Freeman、Rob Burnett、Courtesy of RACT Destinations、Tourism Tasmania、Tourism Australia

圖片與資料來源:Tourism Tasmania


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