
【澳洲】塔斯曼尼亞首府 Hobart 不自駕暢玩攻略


Hobart, Tasmania’s capital city, offers a blend of heritage and lifestyle with world class activities and attractions nearby.

Tasmania Wild Seafood Adventure大啖海鮮大餐

塔斯曼尼亞海產遠近馳名,原來不需要花一整走到天崖海角,只要參加Tasmania Wild Seafood Adventure的Deep-to-Dish半天團,便可於4.5小時內帶大家從塔斯曼尼亞首府Hobart,出走南下至Bruny Island對出的南太平洋海岸。


地址:Elizabeth St Pier 7000 Hobart, TAS
Photo 0credit: Tasmania Wild Seafood Adventure Facebook


經典海上遊:Pennicott Wilderness Journeys

只要網上搜尋過塔斯曼尼亞旅遊資料,相信對Pennicott這名字絕不陌生。塔斯曼尼亞土生土長的他,出身漁民之家,對塔斯曼尼亞這片海洋有著說不盡的感情,因此於1999年創立自家品牌Pennicott Wilderness Journeys,多年來囊括了共40多個澳洲旅遊產業獎項,更被稱為澳洲旅遊傳奇。至今Pennicott Wilderness Journeys已發展出多條塔斯曼尼亞海岸觀光航線,當中Tasman Island、Iron Pot和Bruny Island cruise均可以於Hobart乘專車連接至出發的碼頭。

Bruny Island Cruises provides a multi-award winning three-hour coastal wilderness cruise, taking you along the unspoilt southern coastline of Bruny Island.
Bruny Island Cruises is an award-winning 3 Hour Wilderness Cruise exploring the rugged coastline of Bruny Island in southern Tasmania.

穿上紅色防風防水的大褸,安坐上標誌性的黃藍色觀光船,便會帶大家探索多個鬼斧神工的海蝕洞。於浪濤四濺的岩石上不時會發現懶洋洋的澳洲海豹或小企鵝,同時有機會遇上海中貪玩的海豚和空中翱翔的信天翁。當中Tasman Island cruise下午設有Devil Park或Port Arhtur行程,令旅程元素更豐富;然而,每年6月至12月,更會遇到座頭鯨和南露脊鯨遷徙,感受被大自然環抱的美好回憶。

Visit Australia’s oldest lighthouse, circumnavigate Betsey Island and return to Hobart with an appreciation of this beautiful harbour city.
Tasman Island Cruises provides unforgettable three hour wilderness cruises along the spectacular coastline between Port Arthur and Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck in southern Tasmania.

地址:Dock Head Building, Franklin Wharf, Hobart, TAS
Photo credit: Tourism Tasmania, Joe Shemesh, Kathryn Leahy, Poon Wai Nang


多種一天體驗團Tassie Tour

塔斯曼尼亞麻雀雖少,景緻卻五臟俱全。除了海岸線迷人,島上的景點也同樣多姿多采。首府Hobart市中心的Tassie Tour可以帶你看盡周邊風景、文化及生態景色。

Port Arthur was established in the 1830s as a penal settlement on the Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula. It remains a physical chronicle of a dramatic part of Australia’s history.
Set among the historic Georgian sandstone buildings of Salamanca Place in Hobart, this famous market attracts thousands of locals and visitors every Saturday of the year.

它的一天團人數約10-20人,行程由Hobart市內觀光、走訪被列入世界文化遺產 (UNESCO)的Port Arthur,甚至遠卦地標名山Cradle Mountain,暢遊King Billy Pine walks國家公園步道,有機會尋找到膽小的小袋鼠(wallabies)、可愛的袋熊(wombats)及塔州獨有的塔斯曼尼亞魔鬼(Tasmanian Devils),亦可以辦到!若果你是好動派,或者時間充裕,Tassie Tour還有已包食宿的8及14天團可以選擇,就算你是solo個人遊都可以參加!

Connect deeply to nature on kunanyi / Mount Wellington, wilderness just minutes from Hobart, Tasmania.

地址:111 Macquarie St, Hobart TAS
Photo credit: Tourism Australia, Tourism Tasmania, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority, Hype TV, Alastair Bett, Brian Dullaghan, Dearna Bond


Tasmania Vacations 各種豪華小包團遊Hobart

城市人生活繁忙,要為未曾到訪的地方計劃多天行程難免吃力。若想兩口子或一家人輕鬆偷閒享受塔斯曼尼亞之旅,Tasmania Vacations可能是你的最佳幫手。

On the picturesque Low Head Peninsula at the mouth of the Tamar River is Australia’s oldest pilot station, dating from 1806. It is a delightful collection of cottages in a beautiful setting. 


與此同時,Tasmania Vacations亦提供30多款自駕建議行程,並已包括計劃行程及住宿,可說是最佳的自駕懶人包!

地址:93 Salamanca Place, Hobart, TAS
Photo credit: Tourism Australia, Tasmania Vacation, Bicheno Penguin Tours Facebook


資料來源: signature_93315411  fb.com/tasmania
Hobart photo credit: StuGibson


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