自去年十一月,大家都知道塔斯曼尼亞車厘子開始在香港大賣, 香港更是塔斯曼尼亞水果在亞洲主要落腳點, 然後再轉往亞洲其他地方。要知道,塔斯曼尼亞擁有優質天然環境、 清新空氣和潔淨水源,一直盛產高級水果,種類繁多,有蘋果、 梨、車厘子、莓和核果等,全島都有農場, 亦有不少咖啡室和商店售買本土水果及食品。今次編輯Kate就跟大家解構這裡的摘水果最好時機!
塔斯曼尼亞|四大水果農場區域 首先,在塔斯曼尼亞有四個主要水果農場區域,包括德文特谷(Derwent Valley)、塔瑪谷(Tamar Valley)、候恩谷隆(Huon Valley)和塔斯曼半島(Tasman Peninsula),各地都分別有其盛產的水果。例如在德文特谷 ,啤酒花、綿羊、葡萄園、森林、花園和果園都是來自於此,當地盛產車厘子、覆盆子,也可到New Norfolk逛逛古董店,和在費爾德山國家公園享受自然美景。而朗塞斯頓 是塔瑪谷 主要城市,亦是開始塔瑪谷酒莊的入門地,杏脯、蘋果、番茄是該地盛產的果物。
第三個地區的候恩谷隆 ,集美麗水道、豐富鄉郊景色和世界遺產野生環境, 不少人都選擇住在河邊,創造力盛,四周是果樹園, 又能泡製美味海鮮、 優質葡萄酒和自家製蘋果酒等。當地盛產的水果是杏脯、蘋果、車厘子。剩下的塔斯曼半島 則很適合自駕遊覽,沿途景緻耀眼, 隨時停在咖啡室和特式小店休息一會, 走入全省最古老和最大的啤梨農場。
The Huon Trail is a touring route through Southern Tasmania – south of Hobart, Tasmania which includes the Huon Valley. The Cherry Shed Tasmania is conveniently situated on the Bass Highway in Latrobe, ten minutes from Devonport on Tasmania’s fertile North West Coast. We open all year round with an exciting café menu based on cherries, as well as many other interesting cherry products. Located at Relbia, a fifteen minute drive south of Launceston in Northern Tasmania and just a short distance from the Launceston Airport. The estate includes a 61 hectare (150 acre) vineyard and newly completed state of the art winery, producing elegant wines from premium cool climate fruit. Varieties grown include Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewurtz Traminer and Pinot Noir. We also make a premium sparkling wine and Botrytis Riesling. Pick your own cool climate fruits at Sorell Fruit Farm, in TasmaniaâÂs south. TasmaniaâÂs cool climate gives extra flavour to its berry fruits and cherries, which are the farmâÂs specialty. The range of berries is astounding – strawberries, tayberries, boysenberries, loganberries, silvanberries, blackcurrants. From November to May at least a couple of berries are in season, ready for you to pick. 要解構塔斯曼尼亞四季的最適合摘哪種水果,不妨參考以下的圖表,一張圖表便能了解到各個月份盛產的水果種類,大家出遊澳洲前可以先參考看看。從圖表中不難看出,從1月至5月都是摘水果的最佳季節,盛產的種類較多。
兩大人氣水果種植地推介 那麼,了解到當造季節後,大家自然想知道,該到哪裡去採摘呢?這就為大家推介兩大農場,包括Westerway Raspberry Farm 和Hillwoord Farmgate ,都是當地人熟悉的大型農場。
最大水果種植地 Westerway Raspberry Farm Clark家族自1960年開始經營Westerway Raspberry Farm,是塔斯曼尼亞車厘子和莓類水果的主要農場, 場內有商品可供公眾入內購買新鮮水果。農場在德文特谷,距離荷柏特約一小時車程, 每年十二月至翌年五月都天天開放。你可在此採摘生果,如覆盆子、黑醋栗、黑莓、桑莓、藍莓、 車厘子和士多啤梨,還有些獨特品種如西爾萬莓、金樹莓和苦莓。
With over 150 acres of land under berry and soft fruit production, The Westerway Raspberry Farm is amongst Australia%u2019s largest soft fruit farms. With over 150 acres of land under berry and soft fruit production, The Westerway Raspberry Farm is amongst Australia%u2019s largest soft fruit farms. 地址:1488 Gordon River Road, Westerway, Tasmania, 7140 網站:https://www.lanoma.com.au
第二代經營的農場 Hillwoord Farmgate 每年11月至翌年5月都是Hillwoord Farmgate最忙碌時間, 每天開放入內親手踩摘不同莓類水果。農場在塔瑪谷中心, 盛產士多啤梨、覆盆子和藍莓,若選對季節還有黑莓。 農場設有自家餐廳,可以享用不同莓製食物,可邊喝咖啡、 手工啤酒和本地葡萄酒,邊品嚐用塔斯曼尼亞食材做的輕食, 少不了買本地農產品、自家製醋和糖漿。
圖片轉載自官網 圖片轉載自官網 地址:139 Hillwood Road, Hillwood, Tasmania 網站:https://www.hillwoodberries.com.au
圖片皆由塔斯曼尼亞旅遊局(香港) 提供。 #discovertasmania
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